
“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to
make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope
that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” I Peter 3:15 (ESV)


Sermons and Talks

From our founding, we have been a church that proclaims the good news of Jesus. Search the sermons and talks database by series, speaker or book of the Bible to find particular passages or topics to encourage you in your walk with Jesus.

Videos and Podcasts

Catch up on the latest classes, webinars and videos from Holy Trinity – from our members who are sharing their stories of real life to Christian leaders helping us navigate these challenging times through the Center for Public Christianity public forums!


Hear from our clergy and staff on topics important to them, our church and the broader Christian community. We hope you’ll find new insights and perspectives on God’s truth and our world for your encouragement and edification.

Heart's Cry Panama Mission Trip 2023

Heart’s Cry Panama Mission Trip – July 2023

Earlier this month, a group from Holy Trinity traveled to Panama to serve with Heart’s Cry Children’s Ministry. Heart’s Cry is an incredible faith-based organization that advocates for the orphaned and abandoned children of Panama. Casa Providencia, an orphanage run and managed by Heart’s Cry, was the first orphanage for special needs children established in…

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Reflections on GAFCON 2023

Some moments in time are hinge points in history. There’s a before and an after as a door closes in one direction and opens in another. GAFCON IV in Kigali, Rwanda, was this kind of moment. I had the privilege to serve as a delegate representing the Diocese of the Carolinas, joining 1300 clergy and…

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The Practice of the Absence of God: A Meditation for Renewal

On several occasions I have read or listened to the classic work by Brother Lawrence (d. 1691) titled The Practice of the Presence of God. I don’t always make it through each subsequent reading or hearing, yet it always stirs me. I never tire of rehearsing the same lesson after each pass through: when living “as if there were…

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Friendship in Motherhood

Motherhood is full of contradictions. Being thrilled to see my children grow while also wishing they’d stay little forever. The more passion I put into getting my toddler to eat green beans, the more beans will end up on the floor. If my children go to bed late, they will not wake up later the…

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Conversations with God

In Psalm 115, the Psalmist contrasts the idols of the other nations with God. “They have mouths,” he writes, “but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; they make no…

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Healing Prayer Testimonies

Be encouraged by testimonies of answered prayer for healing. These stories give glory to God’s healing power and grace.
