
We weren’t meant to live the Christian life on our own. The joy of being part of God’s
family is in being known, serving together and growing in our relationship with Jesus.



Explore the many opportunities at your fingertips for you and your family to plug in, connect and find your place here and in our city. Then pray about where you can get involved to make a difference.

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Trinity Kids

We put everything we have into creating space for your children to meet with God and supporting parents as they raise their children to love and honor the Lord.

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Trinity Students

Young people matter to God! We love seeing their lives transformed by the living God, and we work hard to offer your kids an active program where they can experience transformation.

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Trinity Men

Call us a band of brothers who are on mission together. Each man is growing in his knowledge of who he is in Christ and engaged in his role in God’s mission of restoration in his family, in his work and in his community.

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Trinity Women

When women come together to build each other up, pray, study God’s word and participate in outreach and social activities that bolster friendship, discipleship and service, lives are changed forever, and for God’s glory.


Trinity Young Adults

As a community of Gospel-shaped 20- and 30-year old men and women who want to follow Jesus Christ, we believe that Christ-centered fellowship is critical for the growth of all of God’s people. And there’s more.

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Trinity 60+

For anyone aged 60 and over, retirement from actively following Jesus is not an option. We still have more learning and growing to do as his disciples, especially as we grow older. So please join us!

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Trinity Music

Our music ministry provides leadership for congregational singing and brings to our services a wide diversity of musical styles, instrumentation and choral arrangements.



In prayer we encounter the living Spirit of God who speaks to us and works to heal us and shape us into the likeness of Christ.

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New City Fellows

Equipping gospel-shaped leaders to have an impact in the city of Raleigh is the heartbeat of New City Fellows.

Community Groups

Whether you’re new, just checking us out or a seasoned member, community groups are a great way for you to grow in your relationship with God and build meaningful relationships with others.


Serve Our Church

Jesus said the world would know we are his followers by our love for one another. There are so many ways to use your gifts and demonstrate his love right here at Holy Trinity Anglican.



Serve Our City

Fathom the depth of our Creator’s love — that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. In him, we have hope, and that is a hope worth sharing with our city and our world!



Serve Our World

Be amazed, touched and inspired by our global and national ministry partners that are faithfully serving God through the building up of his church in their respective cities and countries.