We weren’t meant to live the Christian life on our own. The joy of being part of God’s
family is in being known, serving together and growing in our relationship with Jesus.

Explore the many opportunities at your fingertips for you and your family to plug in, connect and find your place here and in our city. Then pray about where you can get involved to make a difference.

Serve Our Church
Jesus said the world would know we are his followers by our love for one another. There are so many ways to use your gifts and demonstrate his love right here at Holy Trinity Anglican.

Serve Our City
Fathom the depth of our Creator’s love — that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. In him, we have hope, and that is a hope worth sharing with our city and our world!

Serve Our World
Be amazed, touched and inspired by our global and national ministry partners that are faithfully serving God through the building up of his church in their respective cities and countries.