Our story may not be all that different from the hundreds of thousands of churches that have been birthed over the ages. But then again, maybe there is something special about ours. Looking back over Holy Trinity Anglican Church’s history, there is a consistent theme of prayerful commitment to lead through service and sacrifice. God has given us a unique blend of gospel passion and entrepreneurial energy with a commitment to raise up servant-leaders for his glory and the good of his world.

2003. Prayer for renewal, a vision for what could be.

In the fall of 2003, a small group of Christians started praying for renewal in the Church and the city of Raleigh. In January 2004, this group launched a 12-week worship and biblical preaching series under the name All Saints Fellowship that tapped outstanding Anglican preachers from across the country. People were drawn to the Sunday evening services held in the Chapel of St. David’s School, and many in the group began to wonder if this could be the beginning of a new Anglican church in Raleigh.


2004. A new church founded on creeds of the Church, biblical preaching and liturgical worship.

By late spring 2004, attendance had grown to approximately 200 adults and children, and the group felt God calling them to form a new church founded on the classic creeds of the Church, biblical preaching and liturgical worship. While continuing weekly worship, they formed a vestry, adopted parish bylaws and joined the Anglican Communion Network. Holy Trinity Anglican Church celebrated its first Sunday morning worship service on September 12, 2004, with Holy Communion and Baptism in the Chapel of St. David’s School.


2005. Flourishing with new clergy and staff in place.

In July 2005, the vestry hired Susan Finch as parish administrator, followed by the Rev. Dr. Michael Green and the Rev. David Drake who together gave pastoral leadership to the church. In May 2006, David was installed as Rector of Holy Trinity. During that year, additional staff were hired and ministries began to flourish. By 2007, the membership had almost doubled to approximately 400 adults and children. In 2008, after graciously extending their original two-year commitment, Michael and Rosemary Green returned to England.


2009. God’s provision for permanence.

As early as 2005, a vestry-appointed team began to search for a permanent home for Holy Trinity. Over the next five years, they considered more than 50 different properties. It was not until late 2009 that a wonderful piece of property unexpectedly became available on the north end of downtown at the corner of Peace and Blount Streets. At the same time, however, both our Rector and Associate Rector were called away from Holy Trinity Anglican in order to lead churches in other cities. In spite of the uncertainty of the season, the vestry sensed God’s hand of provision in the Peace Street property, unanimously voting to acquire the property and initiate a capital campaign.

Several months later, in September 2010, the Rev. Dr. John Yates III became Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican. He has built up a strong and capable staff team and led our community through the process of designing a permanent church home, which was completed in late summer 2015. Since then our home has been here in downtown Raleigh.

Firmly rooted to proclaim, exalt, and serve.

God has called us to be a church that is firmly rooted in the city of Raleigh and has given us a mission to proclaim, exalt, and serve.