12nov9:00 am12:30 pmAging Faithfully Conference
To mark the launch of Holy Trinity’s new 60+ ministry, we are holding a conference at Holy Trinity called Aging Faithfully on Saturday, November 12
To mark the launch of Holy Trinity’s new 60+ ministry, we are holding a conference at Holy Trinity called Aging Faithfully on Saturday, November 12 from 9am to 12:30pm. Three gifted and knowledgeable speakers, all of whom are in the 60+ age range – the Rt. Rev. Terrell Glenn, Julia Sprunt Grumbles and Dr. Janet Savia – will give us a biblical perspective on aging faithfully, help us grasp the importance of giving back to our congregation and community, and share with us practical ways in which we can care for one another.
You may not yet be 60 or even close, but we want you to know about this conference as a resource for you and those whom know and love who may be. And we welcome your participation at the conference because learning how to age faithfully is a discipleship matter for adult Christians of all ages.
To learn more about the Aging Faithfully Conference and to register. We hope you will join us!
November 12, 2022 9:00 am - 12:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
100 East Peace Street