Claudia grew up in Detroit, went to college in Boston and after moving to New York City, she heard the good news of the Gospel and turned in faith to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. She attended the Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut, graduating in 1987, and was ordained the following year to the priesthood. In 1994, she married the Rev. Dr. Gil Greggs and moved to North Carolina, finding at last her true home.
Claudia served in a number of churches before joining the staff of Holy Trinity Anglican in 2014. Helping people find abundant life in Jesus Christ is her passion in ministry. She and Gil have two children, Caleb and Emily, a son-in-law, Andrew and a grandson, Alex.
In chapter three of his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul offers this prayer for the members of the church: may [you] have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge… (vv.18-19). This is a…
Looking for a special way to observe the season of Lent? You are invited to spend Forty Days with the Psalms. We have updated the prayer booklet we introduced last year during Lent and it will be available in the lower lobby this week from noon-3pm or on Sunday, Feb. 14. The booklet features psalms…
Fasting is about giving up something of value and it seems like we’ve been in an unending season of “fasting” since March. I’m referring to the coronavirus pandemic and what many of us have had to do without for the past nine months: a sense of normalcy, time with friends and family, and some of…
The plan was for Gil and me to travel to Great Britain and spend several weeks of vacation visiting as many museums and used bookstores in London as possible, followed by a tour of the countryside and concluding with a forage into northwest England in search of Greggs family records (as far as we can…
I so long for normalcy, for life to go back to the way it was. And I’m thinking you do, too. But I’ve had to face the fact that normalcy is not possible right now, and that some aspects of life may not go back to the way things were before the coronavirus. For some…
At nine o’clock every night, without fail, two men and two women from among the thirty members of a small, informal, Christian community in Huntingdonshire, England, gathered to read aloud antiphonally the entire Psalter, while the others retired for the night. The recitation lasted until about one o’clock in the morning. Every member of their…
Looking for a special way to observe the season of Lent? You are invited to spend 40 Days with the Psalms. This is the title of our Holy Trinity Lenten prayer booklet and it will be available behind each seat in the church and on tables in the lower lobby and narthex on Sunday, Feb.…
Serving one another is closely related to our identity as Christians. The apostle Paul explains why this is so in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter twelve. He uses the human body as a metaphor for how the church should function, likening the various parts of a body – hand and foot, eye and…