06dec6:30 pmThanking God in Friendship (TGIF) Dinner
New to Holy Trinity or not so new? “Thanking God in Friendship” (TGIF) dinner gatherings are a wonderful time where we get to meet new people and see friends, and
New to Holy Trinity or not so new? “Thanking God in Friendship” (TGIF) dinner gatherings are a wonderful time where we get to meet new people and see friends, and enjoy good food and conversation!
John and Randi Wood are hosting this joyous Christmas-time together, complete with singing carols. RSVP to Randi at raleighwood@gmail.com. See you at 2104 Ridge Road, Raleigh at 6:30pm.
December 6, 2019 6:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Randi and John Wood
2104 Ridge Road