Serving one another is closely related to our identity as Christians. The apostle Paul explains why this is so in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter twelve. He uses the human body as a metaphor for how the church should function, likening the various parts of a body – hand and foot, eye and ear – to the individuals within a church. For the human body to function and thrive, every part must cooperate with and support the other. This is true for each one of us here, at Holy Trinity Anglican, as the Body of Christ.
Belonging to one another
Paul continues this line of thought in another letter: …so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another (Romans 12:5). The implication for us as members one of another is that our participation in the life and proper functioning of the church should be seen as a joyful responsibility. Helping to set up our facility for services and programs, greeting newcomers, teaching our children, preparing and serving food at church celebrations, serving on a discernment committee, taking Communion to members who aren’t able to come to our services, praying for the people who live in the neighborhoods around our church – these are all examples of what it means to belong to one another and share in our common life.
Being called to serve
In the Body of Christ no role is insignificant – and each of us has several to play if our community is to function well and thrive. Therefore, prayerfully discerning to which roles we are called is essential, so that we respond to a need for the right reasons – and not out of guilt or pride. When we serve because we sense the Holy Spirit has called and directed us to a particular area of ministry (and any aspect of serving the Body is ministry), we will find delight in doing it and we can stick with it. It won’t be burdensome; it will be rewarding.
So as we as a church prepare to resume a full schedule of programs and ministries – both within our own community and in the city around us – I invite you to consider prayerfully where and how God is calling you to fulfill your call to serve our Body of Christ.
Rev. Claudia Greggs
Clergy Associate for Christian Formation