Sometimes Jesus spoke in parables and sometimes he preached. While his parables can be hard to understand, his preaching is always clear, concise, and aimed straight at our hearts. Early in his ministry Jesus delivered a famous sermon to a crowd by the Sea of Galilee. In it he blessed the poor, pronounced woe on the rich, told us to love our enemies, stop judging others, bear good fruit, and build our house on the rock. It’s a heart-stopping sermon, and it’s all found in a single chapter of Luke. Join us this winter as we allow Jesus’s words in Luke 6 to challenge and encourage as we seek to follow him.
The story of Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most impactful stories in human history. Regardless of one’s perspective, many believe that he is one of the most influential people to have ever lived, and that his life changed the course of history forever.
Throughout the gospel of Mark, Jesus is portrayed not simply as a prophet, or a good teacher, or even a radical attempting to overthrow the Roman authorities – but as a long awaited King, able to deliver people from the brokenness of the world. Because of this historical importance and the claims Jesus makes about himself, at some point we all will have to answer the question at the heart of the gospel of Mark, “Who do you say that I am?”
Join us at our Evening Service as we seek to revisit this all-important question. Come and hear from the earliest record of Jesus’s life and ministry, in the gospel of Mark a story, marked by mystery and majesty, brevity and brilliance, of a King who takes up his crown by laying down his life for those he loves.