

Amidst pandemic, economic turmoil and social unrest, we find ourselves in a prolonged season of stress and uncertainty. How are we to respond? Our inclination is to hunker down, care for our loved ones and wait out the storm. Our calling is different. In times like this Christ calls his Church not to back off or slow down but to lean in and step up. He invites us to join in his work of redemption with passion and creativity in spite of the challenges. Will you join us? In the season ahead we are committing to lean in and step up in four ways.


Our first response is worship. Sunday mornings look different, but they are still vitally important as our central act of corporate worship. Whether you join virtually or in person, you are still connecting with our community as we walk out this season together. Weekday communion services are another way to gather with God’s people, as are creative services we hold in our homes.


Our second response is personal growth. New challenges teach us to follow the Lord in new ways. But this only happens as we commit to personal disciplines for Bible reading, prayer and study. We will share those resources and work to bring together the best tools we can for growth in this time.


Our third response is to connect with a smaller community. We weren’t created to do life on our own. In order to grow in Christ and to be healthy human beings, we need to be in fellowship with each other. Because large group fellowship is difficult, we need to step up into small groups.


Our fourth response is to step up into creative service. Whether it is sharing the gospel with a friend or serving the city through a partner ministry, we will work together to continue the work of the Church. Our mission hasn’t changed. So we need to adapt to circumstances and press on as we always have to proclaim, exalt and serve the living God.