This is a repeating eventJanuary 22, 2023
15janAll DayAdult Foundations Class
Good News in Hard Times: How the Gospel Works. The gospel is not just about becoming a Christian; the good news is about living as a Christian. As we move through
Good News in Hard Times: How the Gospel Works.
The gospel is not just about becoming a Christian; the good news is about living as a Christian. As we move through the different seasons and struggles of life, the way to flourish in faith, hope and love is not to set out to discover some novel idea or pick up the newest self-help book, but rather to root our lives deeper in Jesus’ message. If we do this, we might just discover the gospel is not only true, it really does work. Join us between services in the Courtyard Classroom. This class is taught by Josh Chatraw.
January 15, 2023 All Day(GMT+00:00)
Courtyard Classroom