Here’s what’s in store for you in the coming weeks. If you want to listen to a particular sermon or talk, or research a topic or book of the Bible, browse our sermons and talks database below.

Each Sunday, Holy Trinity’s morning worship service recording is available on our YouTube channel by 11am. The recorded sermon will be posted below on Monday morning.  For your convenience, here is the morning service bulletin for Sunday, January 19.


Sunday Morning Services at 9am and 11am

  • January 5 – Luke 2:22-40: Jesus at the Temple

Epiphany Series: Faith(less)

The story of Jesus Christ confronts every one of us with a haunting question: Is he who he claims to be? Throughout the gospels, we encounter those who choose to trust him and those who reject him entirely.  These stories teach us about the character of faith, the wickedness of the human heart, and the power of grace to transform even the worst of sinners. Join us this winter as we explore the stories of those who turned to Jesus in faith and those who turned away faithless.

  • January 12 – Matthew 2: The Wise Men & Herod
  • January 19 – Mathew 8:5-13 (16:1-12): The Centurion & the Pharisees
  • January 26 – Luke 18:18-30; 19:1-10: Zacchaeus & The Rich Young Ruler
  • February 2 – Matthew 26:14-35: Judas & Peter
  • February 9 –  John 12:1-8: Judas & Mary
  • February 16 – John 11:38-53: Lazarus & the Pharisees
  • February 23 –  Global Missions Sunday

Sunday Evening Service at 5:30pm

Unbreaking the Broken World

Jesus did not come into this world only with words, he also came with works that vindicated those words. We often call those works miracles, but the New Testament call them signs. The Miracles of Jesus are signs of the nearness of the Kingdom of God, revealing the character, identity and mission of the powerful Son of God. The miracles of Jesus reveal a savior who does not abandon us to the chaos of this world, does not surrender us to the armies of Satan, and even rescues us from the seemingly invincible power of death.  Although we may not always understand how Jesus is present amidst the chaos and pain of our lives, his miracles operate as signposts, reminding us of the King who brings with him a promise to unbreak our broken world.

  • January 5 – Mark 4:35-41
  • January 12 – Mark 5:1-20
  • January 19 – Mark 5:21-43


Rev. Jason Palacio - April 30, 2023

Sermon: Suffering and Our Assurance

Scripture References: Romans 8:31-39

From Series: "Life in the Spirit "

Before he left his disciples Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit. When he made that promise they could not have foreseen the dramatic events that would unfold on Pentecost! Things aren’t quite as dramatic today, but Jesus’s promise to the disciples holds true for us. When we put our faith in Jesus he gives us his Spirit. But who exactly is the Holy Spirit and what does life “in the Spirit” look like? We’ll be asking these questions and others over three weeks in April as we take a look at one of the most incredible chapters in the whole New Testament: Romans 8.


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