I accepted a call to serve Holy Trinity’s children during a global crisis, a pandemic no-less – COVID-19 if we’re going to be technical. Why on earth would I do this? Sometimes I wonder myself. However, if I’m being honest, it’s because I believed the Lord nudged me and called me to this place at this time. Stepping back, considering my situation from an outsider’s perspective, one might think me a tad senseless. Yet, the Lord gently reminds me that his ways are not my ways: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.” (Is. 55:8) Most importantly, I believe leaning in to God’s work is exactly where the Lord wants each of us to be. For me it’s serving children and families at Holy Trinity and trusting Christ with the details.
I find myself in a high-risk category, as one who is older and walks through life with an immune system that is somewhat compromised. So, what am I doing attending church? What am I doing going to work daily? What am I doing working with children? What am I doing making porch visits, meeting new people and attempting to pour into them as the Spirit leads? Great questions. To answer these questions as best as I know how amidst a world that is swirling about in confusion and uncertainty, I am choosing to trust my Savior, Jesus, knowing that my Lord has a job for me to do with every breath that I take. Do I sometimes wrestle with fear during these ambiguous times—absolutely! However, I’m confidently trusting in God’s hope and faithful promises; he’s teaching me to live confidently in his loving security.
Consider how the Lord through the testimony of his Word used unlikely souls (David, Joseph, Rahab), older souls (Abraham, Sarah, Boaz, Elizabeth) and terribly flawed souls (Jonah, Peter, Matthew, Zacchaeus, Paul) to lean in and step up to do his good work. Consider the less-than-ideal circumstances (floods, famines, wars, persecution, illness—physical and emotional, to name a few) our great God used to sharpen and refine his people. A rhetorical question, do we not think he is still refining, challenging, drawing and sharpening us today? I am confident he still is and he’s absolutely using ordinary people like me and you to do extraordinary things. I marvel and take comfort in the fact this pandemic did not surprise our Father in the least!
What this looks like for each of us individually, I’m uncertain. I would, though, encourage you to join me in reflecting during this season of Advent and consider the ways our good and faithful Lord has met needs this past year, protected us and shown up in real and unexpected ways.
Additionally, I’m wondering what’s next, especially as the pandemic threatens to worsen and drag on. God’s Word tells us “our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit,” and we all need to take our health seriously – realizing physical safety is just as important as spiritual safety. However, even with the promise of a vaccine, pondering and asking the Lord to reveal how he wants us to proceed in this in-between-time is important. What phone call or correspondence is Jesus inviting us to make? Is there a specific activity the Lord is nudging us to attend, like Carols by Glowstick or a Christmas Eve service? Is there a neighbor who needs a porch visit or meal? I know the call to action will look different for each one of us as we bring our unique gifts, talents and life circumstances to the table. But as you do, take courage because “he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:6) Be blessed!